Aim for high rep numbers (15-20) per set.Ĭare must be taken in order to avoid compensating in this exercise. Keep your hips raised as you return and extend your legs back out smoothly. As you hold your hips up, squeeze your glutes and pull in your abdominals to avoid overuse of the lower back muscles. The shoulder blades remain in contact with the floor and your arms by your sides press into the floor to stabilise your torso. Maintain this raised position and pull your heels towards your bottom. Lie on your back with your toes in the TRX handles, legs extended straight, with the TRX straps set to about a foot above the ground. Engage your posterior chain (ie: glutes, lower back, hamstrings) to raise the hips and lower back off the floor. This TRX hamstring curl works both knee flexion and hip extension in one move and is simple enough for beginners to perform, who are just mastering the basics, through to the most advanced gym goers to complement a heavy leg strength session. Playing a pivotal role in posture, hamstrings are probably one of the most overlooked, yet fundamental muscle groups to incorporate into your regular training program. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. Straighten your back and repeat for eight to 12 reps, for three to four sets. Keeping your legs straight and tensing your core, raise your backside and squeeze your traps bringing your head through your arms, looking towards your feet. Bring your hands back together and sit back to squat, then repeat for eight to 12 reps, for three to four sets.Īdjust straps to the lowest point and adopt a press-up position with both feet in the stirrups. Drive up using your legs, spreading your arms apart as you rise. Hold both stirrups and sit into a squat with straight arms.
#Trx workout plan full#
This is a great exercise to work up to a full standing pull-up. Release, sit back down and repeat for eight to 12 reps, for three to four sets.įor beginners, adjust the strap to the highest point and do the movement from a squat position, ensuring the movement comes from the upper body and not the legs. With your palms facing each other, pull your bodyweight up until your chin reaches the height of the strap. Hold both stirrups and adjust strap until your arms are fully extended while seated on the floor.