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Ludovicus was proposed by James Bicheno (d.

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Dux Cleri is cited by Walter Brute (or Britte), a fourteenth century follower of Wycliff, in his Registrum, page 356. Romith, Vicarius Filii Dei, Dux Cleri, Ordinarius Ovilis Christi Pastor, and Dic Lux are cited by the rector of Berlin, Andreas Helwig (1572-1643) in his Antichristus Romanus, in proprio suo nomine, numerum illum Apocalypticum (DCLXVI) continente proditus, published in 1612 in Wittenberg. Note: Lateinos, Ecclesia Italika, and Romith are cited as possible solutions by Johannes Gerhard (1582-1637), a Lutheran, in his Adnotationes in Apocalypsin, page 110. ROMIITH means the Roman Kingdom R = 200 O= 6 M = 40 I= 10 I= 10 TH = 400 -666 resh waw (vav) mem yod yod taw ROMITI means the Roman Man R = 200 O= 6 M = 40 I = 10 T = 400 I = 10 -666 resh waw (vav) mem yod taw yod The numeric equivalents of Hebrew letters can be found in the Encyclopedia Britannica under "Languages of the World", Table 50. LUDOVICUS translated means Vicar of the Court L = 50 U= 5 D = 500 O = no value V= 5 I= 1 C = 100 U= 5 S = no value -666 THE LITERAL MEANING: VICARIUS - substituting for, or in place of FILII - means son DEI - means Godĥ 1 100 no value no value 1 5 no value -112ĭUX CLERI translated means Captain of the Clergy D = 500 U= 5 X = 10 C = 100 L = 50 E = no value R = no value I= 1 -666 NAME unus quinque decem quinquaginta centum quingenti mille * Stigma is a now obsolete Greek character, but it appears in the New Testament in Rev 13:18 to give the value 666 (chi xi stigma - See Strong's Concordance, # G5516). Pi alpha rho alpha delta omicron sigma iota sigma I = 10 iota T = 300 tau A = 1 alpha L = 30 lambda I = 10 iota K = 20 kappa A = 1 alpha E = 5 epsilon K = 20 kappa K = 20 kappa L = 30 lambda E = 8 eta S = 200 sigma I = 10 iota A = 1 alphaĪ= 1 P = 80 O = 70 ST = 6 A= 1 T = 300 E= 8 S = 200Īlpha pi omicron stigma* alpha tau eta sigma H= E= L= A= T= I= N= E= B= A= S= I= L= E= I= A=Ġ (transliterated) 8 eta 30 1 300 10 50 8 2 1 200 10 30 5 10 1 lambda alpha tau iota nu eta beta alpha sigma iota lambda epsilon iota alpha The ancient Greek for "Italian Church" is ITALIKA EKKLESIAĪnd in ancient Greek the word for "tradition" PARADOSIS The ancient Greek for "The Latin Kingdom" is HE LATINE BASILEIA Irenaeus biography online at the New Advent Catholic web site. Source: Against Heresies, by Irenæus, Book 5, chapter 30, paragraph 3. For the Latins are they who at present bear rule: I will not, however, make any boast over this. Then also Lateinos has the number six hundred and sixty-six and it is a very probable, this being the name of the last kingdom. 130-202 A.D.) who proposed in his Against Heresies that it might be the name of the fourth kingdom in Daniel 7:7. The association of "Lateinos" with 666 was first suggested by Irenæus (ca. Church Documents are usually published first in Latin, and then translated from the Latin into other languages. NOTE: Latin is the official language of the Roman Catholic Church. The ancient Greek word for "the Latin speaking man" is LATEINOS L = 30 A= 1 T = 300 E= 5 I = 10 N = 50 O = 70 S = 200 -666 lambda alpha tau epsilon iota nu omicron sigma The numeric equivalents of Greek letters can also be found in the Encyclopedia Britannica under "Languages of the World", Table 8. Based on the fact that 666 can apply to a title, below are several words and phrases that have been put forth over the centuries as probable solutions to the enigma of 666. Now, we are told that it takes a certain understanding and wisdom to discern just how this number is actually applied. The same Greek word translated as name (onoma: G3686) that appears in Revelation 13:17-18 is also used in chapter 19:16, so clearly the word can also apply to a title, and not just one man's name. I would offer the following verse to show that 666 need not apply solely to a man's name: Rev 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. It might be argued by some that 666 must be applied to one man's name, and that this will then help identify him as the antichrist.

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Note that according to verse 17, there are three different characteristics that distinguish the beast: his mark (of authority) his name the number of his name (666). Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. VICARIUS FILII DEI 666, The Number of the Beast

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